Monday Morning Prayer

Lord, thank you for waking me up this morning and protecting me as I slept. I ask that you continue to use me today and every day. Give me words to speak, and gently whisper encouragement as you walk beside me today. I need thee more and more each day as I long to be more like you.

I pray for all those standing in the need of prayer. Whether physically sick or mentally sick, I’ll continue to lift you up. Whether you’re heartbroken or anticipating the loss of someone you love, I’ll be lifting you up. Whether everything seems perfect or the storms in your life have yet to move on, I’ll be lifting you up. Whether your fears are irrational or real and imminent, I’ll be lifting you up.

God, we know that you already know our needs. You hear our every cry. We know that you’re waiting on us to lay all our troubles at your feet and surrender them all to you. Give us the strength and the courage to do just that, Lord. For anyone who is unable to let go of what’s weighing her down, I ask that you speak directly to her, Lord. For anyone who is struggling to stay alive and is in need of a miracle, Lord let him know that you’re still in the miracle-making business and that you’re always at work. You never take a break. You never take a weekend off. You are on the job every day without fail, and you remain on the throne.  For that, and so much more, we thank you, Lord. We love you, Lord. We adore you for being our very present help in time of trouble — the only help we know. Thank you for being a good, good Father. I ask that you continue to shower us with your grace and mercy for as long as we shall live. I ask all these things in the precious name of Jesus — our light and our salvation. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer with me, I believe that you opened the door to God’s bounty. He’s waiting on you to acknowledge that he is sufficient to take care of all your needs. Don’t be bashful. He wants to help you. All you have to do is ask.

Before you leave today, take a moment to enjoy my Music Monday selection from Erica Campbell (of Mary Mary).

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