My First Nomination

Two Are Better Than One has been nominated for a Liebster Award by Elizabeth Zertuche — author of Rinconez.  Thanks for reading and helping me to grow my audience, Elizabeth.


The idea for the Liebster Award seems to come from the German Bird of a Paradise Blog.

The rules for the Liebster Award are as follows:

  1. Thank the person who nominated and link back to their blog.
  2. Display the Liebster Award on your blog.
  3. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  4. Answer the 11 questions you were asked.
  5. Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers for the award,
    by asking them 11 new questions or the same questions you were asked.
  6. Make sure to let the bloggers know you’ve nominated them!
  7. And don’t forget to copy the rules into your post!

Here are 11 facts about Me:

  1.  I love to sing.
  2.  I can’t dance — trust me, I’m serious.
  3. There’s a piccolo in my car at all times–never know when it might come in handy.
  4. I have eaten eggs for breakfast nearly every day for 46 years.
  5. I collect and display African art pieces.
  6.  I love classic R&B.
  7. My favorite foods are drenched in butter, started with a roux, or drizzled with sugar.
  8. I have always wanted to teach abroad.
  9. I’ve found that the cockpit of the F-117A is a pretty cool place to visit.
  10.  Every time I get lost, I make a friend.
  11.  My first book will probably be a devotional for teachers.

Here are the answers to the 11 questions asked of me:

  1. Who is your favorite author?  David Baldacci
  2. What do you want readers to takeaway from your website or blog?  I want my readers to realize that life is so much sweeter when we share our talents, abilities, and gifts (TAGs) with others.
  3. When you think of your childhood, what is your most vivid, happy memory?  Spending time in my room reading, creating, and imagining a world  of wonder as only a child can.
  4. Where do you go when you seek peace of mind and/or serenity?  I often times take a walk through the woods with my dog. Other times, I go to my prayer room. I find answers there.
  5. Why do you like to write?  Writing is cathartic.  It also gives me wings to fly to different countries I may never visit, but my words have traveled their highways, coastlines, and marketplaces.
  6. Which do you prefer, books, movies, serial TV/streaming shows or audiobooks/podcasts? I prefer books.  I never have to wait to see what happens next. If I want to rewind, I just turn back a page or two. I can take books anywhere, and I never need an internet connection. Finally, I can use my imagination to visualize the cast of characters.
  7. How do you make the time to write with all of life’s interruptions? I don’t write nearly as often as I’d like to, but I jot down ideas in my Little Book of Big Ideas (it’s literally called that). I do a little outlining sometimes, and then I draft a few pieces that I eventually publish on Sunday and Wednesday each week. 
  8. Have you ever written a post, but decided to delete it or not post it? Oh my goodness!  Yes! You should see my drafts. They need a little time to cure, and at some point, they’ll be ready to serve.
  9. Can you share one of your favorite quotes? I have many, but I saw this one yesterday: “It’s a whole lot easier to let the cat out of the bag than to put it back in.” Thanks, Roo (author of What’s Next.
  10. Do you have any advice for someone who is considering to start a website or blog? Do it! Get a free one, and play around.  Check out a few blogging websites or Starr Sackstein’s Blogging for Educators. I was in a chat with her on Twitter one night, and she mentioned her quick read on blogging. I read it and created my blog the next day.
  11. Is writing something you have done most of your life in one way or another or something new? I’ve always enjoyed writing, and I worked as an English teacher for many years, so I know a little bit about writing.

The NEW Winners of the Liebster Award ARE…

Liebster Award II

  1. What Sandra Thinks
  2. Backyard Learning
  3. Bligon’s Best
  4. Wandering Soul
  5. Tangerine Wallpaper
  6. Mimi’s World
  7. Psychochromatic Inception
  8. Drinkers With Writing Problems
  9. Bailey & Derek’s Daddy
  10. Pursuit of Life
  11. Jessamayann

Here are the questions for the Liebster Award Nominees:

  1. What are your blogging goals for 2016?
  2. What do you want readers to takeaway from your website or blog?
  3. When you think of your fondest memory, where were you, and what were you doing?
  4. Where do you get inspiration for your blog?
  5. Why do you like to write?
  6. If you could only use one word to describe your future, what would it be?
  7. How do you make the time to write with all of life’s interruptions?
  8. Have you ever written a post, but decided to delete it or not post it?
  9. Can you share one of your favorite quotes?
  10. Do you have any advice for someone who is considering to start a website or blog?
  11. How do you connect with other bloggers in your niche?

18 Thoughts

  1. Congrats Michelle! What an honor! It’s amazing when I think back to one of our last conversations in person and the very next day you put feet to what had been on your heart and mind to do for a while!

  2. Thank you so much, Michelle! I finally responded to this today! Eek! A bit late. 🙂 Anyway, thank you very, very much!

    I love classic R&B too. And even some of the new stuff 🙂

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