Stop Running

Happy Monday, friends!  After a busy work week and a weekend filled with activities, I hope you took a little time to stop running around today and rest your weary minds and bodies. I spent part of the weekend attending a fundraising event for my husband’s mission to serve widows and orphans in Uganda. Today I spent time shoring up the different facets of my own ministry and personal growth.

When I finally took a little time to rest, I realized that so many of us are running hither and yon in search of a milestone or possibly even eternity. When you finally stop running, determine whether you’re running from something. If you are running from something, what are you running toward?

If you’re running in search of your purpose, you don’t have to run far. In fact, take five or a breather, or a knee, or a chill pill — whatever vernacular we’re using today that means rest for a minute.  Take a minute or two to tell God that you’re unsure of your purpose. Ask him if your dreams are in sync with his plan. Then wait on the answer as you draw near to him. It’s really that simple.

If you don’t yet know the Lord, you have an opportunity to start getting to know him at any time, but my hope is that you choose to do it now. We can’t afford the luxury of waiting until tomorrow.

One of our pastors pulled a fast one on us in class today. He asked, “How many of you know Michael Jordan?” Nearly every hand in the class went up. As he surveyed the room, he jokingly said, “Put your hands down. You don’t know Michael Jordan. You know of him.” How many of us truly know the Lord? Did you just raise your hand? If you do know the Lord, that’s great! I pray that you take some time to get to know him much better. If you know him, but you feel disconnected, here are five reasons why you need to reach out and let him know you’re still willing to be his hands and feet.

  1. God loves you more than you can imagine. “To the moon and back” can’t even compare to his love without limits.
  2. So you’ve sinned? So have I and everyone around you. Forgive yourself. God does.
  3. “I’m too broken to fix.” The Creator knows you’re broken. He wants you to cast your cares on HIM and leave them there. Trust him to mend you — give you hope and a testimony.
  4. “I don’t know the bible.” You know the word of God exists; that’s a start. Google questions you might have. Attend a bible-based church. Fellowship with believers. Start reading the bible. You won’t ever know the good news if you don’t ever read the bible.
  5. “I’ll start tomorrow.” Tomorrow isn’t promised. I would much rather know the Lord for the rest of my life on Earth than to see him face to face and hear the words “I don’t know you. 

Whatever you’re struggling with today, know that As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” ~ Psalm 103:12

Before you leave, take a few minutes to listen to my Music Monday selection by Jordan Feliz entitled “Never Too Far Gone.”

8 Thoughts

  1. Among the many wonders of Two Are Better… is how frequently your posts reflect prevailing thoughts in my neck of the woods. The Spirit has been telling me, a little louder than usual, to slow down and listen carefully. I also appreciate how you include an introduction to anyone that hasn’t yet been personally introduced to Jesus. <3 <3 <3 <3 Oh, and I consistently enjoy the music shares!

  2. Not coincidentally, you posted the same scripture I was meditating on this morning. So glad we are forgiven. One thing I learned from a pilot about God specifically saying as far as the east is from the west is that no matter how far you go in either direction, you will never get to the other side. This is not the same for North and South. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of rest, not being so hard on ourselves and that we are forgiven. That’s enough cause to rest!

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