Bumps in the Road

You can tell a lot about a person by the way he navigates the bumps in the road along life’s journey. It’s also an indication of how he might travel through life during other seasons as well. Truly, there are only a few options for traversing a bumpy road or a difficult period in your life.

  1. You could press forward and ride out the bumps until the road is smooth again.
  2. You could turn around and avoid the bumps (for now).
  3. You could stay right where you are and wait for conditions to get better.

Of the three options, we could probably eliminate option three.  Although conditions might get better, they could also become worse. Staying in your current situation is probably a bad choice. Perhaps the reason the road is so bumpy is so that you will become uncomfortable and be forced to move. Humans are stubborn creatures though. We sometimes stay even when we’re no longer welcome just because it’s easier to stay.

So let’s look at our remaining two options:  keep moving or go back. Consider what might happen if you go back so that you might avoid the bumps. If you  take a little time to reflect on your past, there were bumpy roads there too.  You found a way around them or went right through them, and you made it to the point where you’re currently standing. Do you seriously think that you could handle that season of your life again? Sure, you’re stronger now, and you’re a bit more confident, but conditions may not be the same as they were when you were there last. Avoiding what will eventually come, shows lack of faith. It’s ok to be a little fearful of your unknown. Who isn’t? Being courageous doesn’t mean there’s an absence of fear; it merely means that you acknowledge that you’re not alone on this rough road.

So, the only viable option is to keep pressing toward the mark. Replay the highlights in your life and study your actions carefully, the strategies you employed, the praise you offered up once you made it through to your current season.

Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

My husband shared scores of stories with me after he returned from his two week adventure to Uganda last year. He fell in love with the people, their culture, and their gratitude for all things — large and small. What he didn’t have the same affection for were their roads. He said that the roads were unpaved, muddy, and pocked with holes which always made for a bumpy ride. As he bobbed around in the car, clutching onto anything that might keep him from flying out of the car like his luggage did the night he arrived, the other passengers seemed to be one with the car — barely moving while my husband looked as if he were being bucked by an angry bull. They poked fun at him for failing to navigate the bumpy roads with the same level of skill that they did.By the end of his two week journey, they noted that he, too, had become one with the car.

For those of us who encounter struggles along our journey, we have to face them head on. We can’t avoid them, and we certainly can’t remain stationary. We must keep moving. Eventually, the conditions will change. Your season will change. Remember that all situations are temporary. There’s a definite start and finish to everything. If you can endure the big bumps in the road, you won’t even notice the little ones that you encounter on a daily basis. Keep it moving, and before long, you’ll notice that the worst is behind you.

Note — This post is in response The Daily Post’s one-word prompt — Tourist. If you like this post, share it, reblog it, tweet it, or pin it.



22 Thoughts

  1. In pressing forward, you could add the ability to adapt. The reality is some situations are long term and require an adjustment of our mindset or skills.

    1. Excellent advice! This is why “Two Are Better Than One,” Mills. I share one perspective, and you added value to my message. I love it…keep the momentum going. 🙂

    2. That’s what I was thinking also. This quote: “Eventually, the conditions will change. Your season will change.” And what’s really great, is that God can cause me to change, more into the image of Christ. Thanks for this!

  2. Personally I’ve noticed those who learned to be one with the car encourage me along my road, even when they turn another direction. Superior post, Sis.

  3. Great post Michelle! I have realized that even trying to avoid the bumps may lead you to veer off down the road into a more harsh condition or a treacherous, bumpier road. I am learning that bumps are a part of the journey and therefore, no matter what I have to keep moving forward. Thank you!

    Charlene A. Jean-Pierre http://www.lifecoachcharlene.com http://www.thepotterspearls.org

    “Christ is not valued at ALL unless He is valued ABOVE ALL.” ~Augustine Sent from my iPhone


  4. We press on because the alternative is not an alternative worth sticking to. Sometimes, we can halt and regain strength but don’t go back ‘cos going back means losing ground. Great post.

  5. The first thought that went through my mind was put on those nobby wheels and get goin! There’s been a lot of triumphs and trials I’ve had to overcome and I think I’ve done well to keep moving forward. I’ve also had to take 2 steps back to my one step forward but I took those steps with more wisdom.

  6. Hey, there! I’m a recovering #2 … following my early years as a hyper and reckless #1 (guess the swing of the pendulum brought me down to earth with a thud). But God… 🙂 There is grace sufficient for every moment, and you are part of the solution! Thanks!

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